Public Voting
Grace Baptist Church is proud to do its community service in being a Polling location for the community.  Remember that every vote counts and it is your duty to cast …
Trustee and Finance Committee Meeting
Grace Baptist Church 9150 hwy 19, Zachary, United StatesTrustees, Treasurers and the Pastor will have a meeting to discuss plans for the church, finances and any other item that needs to be addressed.
Annual Church Crawfish Boil
Grace Baptist Church 9150 hwy 19, Zachary, United StatesPensacloa Proclaim Singers
Grace Baptist Church 9150 hwy 19, Zachary, United StatesThe Proclaim Ministry Team from Pensacola Christian College, Pensacola, Florida, will be with us during the service. Don't miss a special blessing as the young people from Pensacola Christian College …
Garage Sale
Grace Baptist Church 9150 hwy 19, Zachary, United StatesCome find your treasure at the church wide garage sale. This is truly a multi-family garage sale. Members contributing items to the sale should bring as early as possible. If …
Youth Sunday
Grace Baptist Church 9150 hwy 19, Zachary, United StatesOn Youth Sunday we invest in our youth by encouraging them to take an active part in leading our service. We hope you will join us and be an encouragement …
Senior Saints Lunch
Cajun Catch 4317 High Street, Zachary, LA, United StatesIf you are 55 and up, come join our Senior Saints for a time of fellowship. We will be meeting up at Cajun Catch in Zachary at Noon.
Daylight Savings – Fall Back One Hour
Remember that your clocks go back one hour so you get to sleep longer! We want to see you Sunday, just not an hour early.