Oakwood Assisted Living Ministry
Oakwood Assisted Living Ministry
We have the privilege of meeting with the wonderful folks at Oakwood and share with them Jesus. Come be a part of the ministry and share your love for the Lord.
We have the privilege of meeting with the wonderful folks at Oakwood and share with them Jesus. Come be a part of the ministry and share your love for the Lord.
Each month we gather after the evening service to celebrate the birthdays and anniversaries of our members for the month. Come join the fellowship and enjoy as we celebrate these events.
We have the privilege of meeting with the wonderful folks at Oakwood and share with them Jesus. Come be a part of the ministry and share your love for the Lord.
Ladies monthly meeting to fellowship encourage one another and learn more about the Word of God.
Come join us as we fellowship and enjoy a movie and popcorn.  This will be held in our fellowship hall so no sitting outside fight bugs in the heat. We look forward to seeing you there.
Monthly meeting where the men get together to share breakfast, fellowship and a devotion. All with the purpose to encourage one another to stand firm in the faith and draw closer to God.
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