VBS Workday!

We will be having a workday to prepare for VBS starting at 10:00 AM. Lunch will be provided.

Guest Speaker – Pastor Phil Pinkston

Grace Baptist Church 9150 hwy 19, Zachary, United States

Come join us as we welcome guest speaker Pastor Phil Pinkston who will be preaching both services.

Vacation Bible School

Grace Baptist Church 9150 hwy 19, Zachary, United States

Family Movie Night

Grace Baptist Church 9150 hwy 19, Zachary, United States

Come join us as we fellowship and enjoy a movie and popcorn.   This will be held in our fellowship hall so no sitting outside fight bugs in the heat.  We

Lord’s Supper

We believe there are two ordinances of the local church: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Scriptural baptism is total immersion in water, in the name of the Father, of the

Ironmen Prayer Breakfast

Grace Baptist Church 9150 hwy 19, Zachary, United States

Monthly meeting where the men get together to share breakfast, fellowship and a devotion.  All with the purpose to encourage one another to stand firm in the faith and draw

Redeeming The Time – Missions Conference

Grace Baptist Church 9150 hwy 19, Zachary, United States

Guest speakers: Don Crosswhite & Tom Schreeder Begins Sunday 10:00 AM - 12:00, 6:00 - 7:00 PM Potluck after the evening service Monday - Wednesday 7:00 PM

Soul Winning Action Team (SWAT)

Grace Baptist Church 9150 hwy 19, Zachary, United States

Come join us for a fun time of fellowship followed by visitation.

Birthday/Anniversary Fellowship

Grace Baptist Church 9150 hwy 19, Zachary, United States

Each month we gather after the evening service to celebrate the birthdays and anniversaries of our members for the month.  Come join the fellowship and enjoy as we celebrate these

Soul Winning Action Team (SWAT)

Grace Baptist Church 9150 hwy 19, Zachary, United States

Come join us for a fun time of fellowship followed by visitation.

L.I.F.T. (Ladies In Fellowship and Training)

Grace Baptist Church 9150 hwy 19, Zachary, United States

Ladies monthly meeting to fellowship encourage one another and learn more about the Word of God.

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